Passion for Good

Tag: abstractsculpture

  • 金色浪濤 Golden Waves

    海風捲起的滔天巨浪彷如撐起虛幻時空的穹頂層層疊嶂的波濤迴旋斜張的海面冷冽洪峰的深邃處金色黎明冉冉升起像隻夢境中獨醒的眼睛兀自凝視放遠的未來 Huge waves rolled up by the sea breezeLike a dome holding up illusory time and spaceCascading wavesSwirling sea surfaceThe depths of the cold peakThe golden dawn risesLike an eye awake alone in a dreamStaring at the distant future

  • 小金魚 Little Goldfish

    小金魚是孩提時可愛的記憶。像是水池裡自由自在游泳的朵朵小花,金色鱗光歡喜地漾起水面重重漣漪,亨唱起柔和的旋律。隨著水色輕盈吹送的波光粼粼,賞心悦目的活潑動態,也讓人一同沈浸在美好的心情裡。 也或許“如魚得水”的確幸感更能詮釋那樣的心境。人總得在不經意、没有防備的時候才能驀然回首發現,原本怡然自得的身心況味也就好比“魚忘了水,水也忘了魚”。在片刻輕盈的轉化中,在不羈的時空交融下,身心思惟可以化作魚水,在波光水色中相忘江湖。 The little goldfish is a cute memory from childhood. Like little flowers floating freely in the pool, the goldfish happily rippled the water and sang a soft melody. With the light and sparkling water, the pleasing and lively movement also makes people immersed in a joyful mood. Or maybe the feeling of being…

  • 本心與當代 Original Intention and the Contemporary

    愈是貼合本心的東西,也愈是貼合當代。 向來喜歡作品中“素朗寧靜”的特質。感覺剝除了多餘的敍事/飾符碼,簡練的語法自然能呈現事物純真潔淨的本質。心裡原本的東西,其實可以超越文化和語言的層次,在美意識裡,直接、全然地與人們在寧靜無瑕中默照。 The closer something is to the original heart, the more relevant it is to contemporary times. I have always liked the “sober and tranquil” quality in works. It feels like redundant narrative/decoration codes have been stripped away, and the concise grammar can naturally present the pure and clean essence of things. The original…

  • 金色年華 Golden Age

    美好的年華猶如金色的青春。歲月的長河裡,光彩耀眼、璀璨絢爛;時空的維度中,恣意翻飛、燃燒綻放。青春是桀驁的靈魂、狂放不覊的榮光;赤誠的熱情能讓風雨無阻,鬥志更勝層峰巨浪。無懼的青春是信念,也是願力。願青春始終伴我們同行,引領我們看見生命中所有豐盛與光輝。致青春 永不停歇的自由與光芒。 Beautiful years are like golden youth.In the long river of time, the brilliance is dazzling and gorgeous.In the dimension of time and space, it flies, burns and blooms at will.Youth is an unruly soul and unbridled glory.Sincere enthusiasm can make it rain or shine, and the fighting spirit can overcome the huge waves.Fearless…

  • 脈絡與原創  Context and Original

    村上春樹對於“原創性”曾提出3項特質: 1. 辨識- 獨特的風格 2. 進化- 持續的精進 3. 系統- 豐富的脈絡 一般的創作過程,總是透過一次次的嘗試和修正,去釐清事物的本質、發掘思路的邏輯、窮盡語言的準確,以逐步逼近課題的核心。而隨著創作質量到達一定的水平,再轉身回顧那蓽路藍縷的來時路,大致都能看見一道道隱約的脈絡。在持續動態的藝術實踐中,思維逐漸清晰的同時,創作脈絡也會跟著明確下來。 研究所的論文裡曾放了一張作品的“族譜 family tree”。那是將當時2年來攻讀MFA的41件作品,依照特徵和主題作的梳理和歸類。看見有趣的事是,原來生活中自己所關注的內容是什麼,以及過程中逐漸抽絲剝繭的脈絡。 有幾條創作脈絡確實會綿延十幾二十年,就好像生活本身的有機狀態,人總是在顛簸與滾動中,試著說想說的話;試著做想做的事。過程中你可能無法準確的斷捨離,當然也就不需急於當下定義所有。只要隨著歲月的洗鍊和形意的熟成,或許走在這樣一座森林的路上,因著一路上藝術實踐的積累與信心,總能讓我們知道那道晨光就在不遠處。 Haruki Murakami once proposed three characteristics for “originality”: 1. Identification – Unique style 2. Evolution – Continuous improvement 3. System – Rich context The general creative process is always to clarify the essence of things, explore the logic of ideas,…

  • 花火 Fireworks

    火樹銀花其實是光與色的化身光 在靜謐的夜幕裡呼嘯而過色 從流動的星空下絢爛天際耀眼的弧線彷若枝枒在盡頭綻放朵朵璀璨的花蕊寂靜中 深邃的彼方也被無限放大跨越時空象限的天光不僅點亮自由綺麗的想像映照穹篬的光彩也照耀美好的未來 Fire trees and silver flowers are actually the embodiment of light and colorLight whizzes past in the quiet nightColor shines in the sky under the flowing starry skyDazzling arcs resemble branchesBright stamens bloom at the endIn the silence, the profound beyond is also infinitely magnifiedSkylight across the quadrants of time and…

  • 創作與創造物 Creation and Creatures

    人們說創作者像園丁,捻花蒔草、耕耘著自己的夢想花園。我倒覺得自己像馬戲團班子的馴獸師,在美學探索和應物象形間,調理著各種迷人屬性的實相。 雖說動植物都是美麗的物種,但優雅調柔和生猛乖張,確實是兩個世界的故事。只是在詩境的意象與戲劇性張力上,這樣的鮮活動態與光影量體—我的馬戲團,或許正能夠如實呈現自己內心小劇場的樣子。 People say that creators are like gardeners, twisting flowers and weeds, cultivating their own dream gardens. I feel like an animal trainer in a circus troupe, adjusting the reality of various fascinating attributes between aesthetic exploration and object iconography. Although animals and plants are beautiful species, the elegance and harmony and the violence…

  • 形 • 質與色 The Form, Essence and Color

    在作品“蘭”按照原本想像的樣子完成後,有一段時間,腦海裡經常浮現三島由紀夫的〈金閣寺〉,一種精神性的“金色”。 蘭這個意象,一直以來象徵著中國古典文人的氣韻,猶如墨綠色般的溫文儒雅。心裡思忖著,文藝在呼吸著當代氛圍時,創作在本質上也確實思辨著那個屬於時代或我的“詮釋權”。“應該”、“理當”的認知脈絡,經常在如私小說般的創作意志下被反覆斟酌。對於本質的探究,也猶如星火般提點著我與創作的關係。 於是,相較於熾烈爐火下的金色,我將所看到的,雖然一樣濃烈,但更像香醇威士忌所散發的那種質地溫潤的金色,呈現出一派生鮮的當代性格。 After the work “Orchid” was completed as I originally imagined. For a period of time, Mishima Yukio’s “The Temple of the Golden Pavilion” often appeared in my mind, one kind of spiritual “golden”. The image of orchid has always symbolized the charm of classical Chinese literati, as gentle and elegant as dark…

  • 崢嶸 Peaking

    節節高升的竹子閃閃發光的花火每一寸都是堅不可摧的信心在時空中精進向上也在方寸間迎向光明 一花一世界一歲一崢嶸所盼所及孜孜不倦心念和著盎然的想像力明亮的未來炫爛耀眼 The rising bambooThe sparkling fireworksEvery inch is indestructible confidenceMaking progress in time and spaceAlso facing the light within a small space One flower one worldOne year and one magnificenceWorking tirelessly to achieve what we hope forThoughts and vivid imaginationThe bright future is dazzling

  • 彼方 Beyondness

    嚮往的 憧憬的 期待的彼方與此時此地之間不是距離或尺度讓彼此分隔兩個世界而是心境一個祈願趨近圓滿的心境通過信心能成全兩個時空連到一起 Yearning for, longing for, looking forward tobetween the other side and here and nownot distance or scaleLet the two worlds be separated from each otherBut the state of mindA state of mind in which prayers are approaching perfectionthrough faithCan connect two time and space together